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Principal's Message

Principals message

Principals message

Hello, Sierramont Spartans!

I’m Back!!!! It's with great enthusiasm that I welcome you, whether you're a returning student or a brand new face, to the 2024-25 school year! Middle school is a journey of incredible growth – academically, socially, and personally. You'll be challenged, you'll discover new passions, and you'll make friendships that can last a lifetime.
Our teachers and staff are here to support you every step of the way. They're passionate about their subjects, and even more passionate about helping you succeed. Don't hesitate to ask questions, seek help, and take advantage of the many resources available to you.
To make this academic year successful, we need the active involvement and support of parents and guardians. Your partnership is crucial, and I encourage you to stay engaged with your child's education, attend school events, get involved with our incredible PTSA, and communicate with teachers regularly.
Remember, at Sierramont, we value respect, responsibility, and a commitment to excellence. Treat each other with kindness, take ownership of your learning, and strive to be the best version of yourself.
This is going to be a fantastic year! Let's make it memorable, both inside and outside the classroom.
Here's to a successful and enriching school year!


Chris Mosley, M. Ed.