Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus Logo
Infinite campus registration
Infinite campus registration
Infinite campus registration
- See the Sierramont office staff to get the registration forms to create your Parent Portal account.
- Login with the your google school account sign-in information
- If you forgot or lost your password, please see or email Mrs. Jeanie Law, to get a new password.
infinite campus apps
infinite campus apps
infinite campus apps
Guardians and students,
We are excited to inform you Infinite Campus has two new and improved mobile apps: Campus Parent (for guardians) and Campus Student (for students).
Download your free app for real-time access to grades, assignments, attendance, schedules, announcements and more.
If you are using the old Infinite Campus app, please download the new app. The old app will be removed from the app store June 2019.

App QR Codes